How to Choose Managed Services?

Choosing a Managed Service Provider? Here’s How to Decide What’s Best for You

Are you choosing a new managed service provider for your business? It’s a huge decision as you’re entrusting a firm with access to your network, and the responsibility for helping secure it. So, how do you make the right choice? Following these steps can help set you up for success.

choosing a managed service provider

Identify What You Want to Fix

Do you regularly make more than one service call for the same problem? Are you not told about options to improve your network security? Facing other issues with your current IT provider? Identifying these issues is key before you begin your search.

Understand Your Current IT Landscape

How important is reliable IT to your operation? Would you like to move to cloud services? Do you need to meet regulatory requirements? Understanding your needs before seeking out proposals ensures the right fit for your business.

Ask Around and Begin the Search

Start by asking your business associates for references and searching the web for managed service providers. From there, schedule a face-to-face discussion and ask pointed questions to gauge if they’re the right fit.

Review Proposals

Since IT is largely “invisible,” a proposal will help you better understand what you’re buying. Pay attention to the overall appearance and readability of the proposal, as these often translate to the attention to detail you’ll receive as a client.

Need a Managed Service Provider? Look to CRU Solutions.

Choosing a managed service provider can be overwhelming, but CRU Solutions makes it easy. As a managed service provider with over 40 years of experience, we’re here to help you with your IT and cybersecurity needs. We’ve helped hundreds of clients get the best support for their business — many of them have been loyal customers for 10+ years. We’d be honored to help you, too.

We partner with businesses between 10 and 100 computer users in Microsoft Windows environments. Whether you’re an accounting firm, professional service firm, family-owned business, non-profit organization, or manufacturer, we can help keep your business saferfrom online threats.

Get Started Today

With managed services, we’ll create solid foundation for your IT infrastructure and be there for support when you need it. Contact our team — we look forward to talking with you.