How quickly can your password be hacked? It depends. Hackers use sophisticated knowledge and tools to try and crack passwords. You can make it harder for them by using multi-factor authentication, complex passphrases, or passwords created at random by a password manager.
New research from Hive Systems shows the relative strength of a password against a brute force cracking attempt, based on the password’s length and complexity:
To Create More Secure Passwords
- Always use multi-factor authentication. Though nothing is 100% fool-proof, MFA can encourage a hacker to move on to an easier target.
- Consider using a password manager to create longer, randomly-generated passwords.
- If you create your own passwords, use passphrases that include a mix of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols. Be sure to avoid using personal information that could be easily discovered by hackers on social media profiles or other online sources.
- Try to use long passwords with a minimum of 8-15 characters.
- ALWAYS use a different password for every online account.
- If you discover a password has been found on the dark web, change the password and never use it again.
- Don’t share your passwords.
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