Password Be Hacked

How quickly can your password be hacked? It depends. Hackers use sophisticated knowledge and tools to try and crack passwords. You can make it harder for them by using multi-factor authentication, complex passphrases, or passwords created at random by a password manager.

New research from Hive Systems shows the relative strength of a password against a brute force cracking attempt, based on the password’s length and complexity:

Without getting too technical, the following are among the assumptions Hive Systems used to create this table:

  • The implied attack assumes no use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) or that it’s been bypassed.
  • These metrics assume that passwords are randomly generated (likely by a password manager). Non-randomly generated passwords are much easier and faster to crack because humans are fairly predictable. Passwords that have not been randomly generated would be cracked significantly faster.
  • These metrics assume you’re using a password that has not been part of a breach in the past. You can learn if your passwords have been part of a breach using a dark web search.

To Create More Secure Passwords 

  • Always use multi-factor authentication. Though nothing is 100% fool-proof, MFA can encourage a hacker to move on to an easier target.
  • Consider using a password manager to create longer, randomly-generated passwords.
  • If you create your own passwords, use passphrases that include a mix of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols. Be sure to avoid using personal information that could be easily discovered by hackers on social media profiles or other online sources.
  • Try to use long passwords with a minimum of 8-12 characters.
  • ALWAYS use a different password for every online account.
  • If you discover a password has been found on the dark web, change the password and never use it again.
  • Make it a habit to change your passwords regularly.
  • Don’t share your passwords.

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