
Explore Thought Leadership, Expert Insight, News, and More on Our Cybersecurity Blog

CRU Solutions’ cybersecurity blog features information about small business IT for decision-makers and end-users. Check back often for new information or subscribe to receive regular updates!

Cyber Insurance for Your Small Business

What to Know About Cyber Insurance for Your Small Business

A few years ago, most small business owners considered cyber insurance optional.  Today, cybercrime is so far-reaching that no organization is too small for cyber insurance.  Here’s what to know about cyber insurance for your small business.
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CRU Solutions Celebrates 40 Years

CRU Solutions Celebrates 40 Years

Act with integrity and do the right thing. Be helpful and truthful. - Jim Kerr These words motivate every team member at CRU Solutions. They guide how we interact with each other and with our clients. Jim Kerr has cultivated this approach since he began the business 40 years ago.
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dispose of old computer equipment

How to Dispose of Old Computer Equipment

You’re moving to the cloud so your servers are obsolete and your IT support team is installing new desktops.  How do you dispose of your old computer equipment?
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cybercriminals email address

How Cybercriminals Get Your Email Address

A client recently called us out of frustration with a phishing email. He demanded to know why we couldn’t stop cybercriminals from emailing him.  He’s tired of worrying about clicking on links and attachments.  He wanted to know how he could keep his email address out of the wrong hands.  Here's how cybercriminals get your email address.
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IT for Flexible Work Plans

How to Adapt Your IT for Flexible Work Plans

Flexible work plans are here to stay, and along with them come opportunities.  Make sure you’re adapting your IT to stay ahead.  Consider these tips to help your team work safely and effectively wherever they are.
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